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Brand Research

This project began in the late 1980s when the Alberta Department of Agricultural donated the original documents to the Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation. The Library, since then, has entered these canceled brand files into a database. The files are the original documents kept from 1885 to 1987.

The files contain the requests from the farmers, ranchers, and businesses for a brand for horses, cattle, foxes, sheep, and poultry. Each file contains at least one sheet with information regarding the location of the owner’s grazing lands and the possible choices of brands. Many files will have lengthy correspondence relating to the brands.

Currently 155 boxes of files are placed on this web page. This completes the collection. The spelling of the names is recorded as the applicants wrote them with the towns where they were located.

If you wish to obtain more information about the files, a fee of $30.00 per file (plus postage and handling) will be charged prior to release for searching and photocopying.

Please note: Search results will only indicate that there is information related to the search term in our holdings. You will not be able to view information online.

For additional information or assistance ask for the Librarian at the Bert Sheppard Stockmen’s Foundation Library and Archives.